Dave Cooper
RealtorOffice: (304) 367-9898(304) 367-9898
Cell: (304) 677-9542(304) 677-9542
Dave brings lots of experience to the real estate table with over 15 years in the business all in the Fairmont and surrounding county area. During that time, he has been one of the LEADING sales persons in Marion County. Dave grew-up in the Seneca Rock/Petersburg Area, but has lived in Fairmont most of his adult life. His knowledge of real estate, both residential and commercial is second to none, with around 800 sales to his credit. Dave spent around 35years in the field of education including, teaching, coaching, H S Principal and Fairmont State University Athletic Director. He is able to handle all of your real estate needs in a very professional manner.
Diane Floyd, Broker, GRI
Floyd Real Estate
Ph: 304-367-9898Fax:304-367-9539
513 Fairmont Ave
Fairmont, WV 26554 US